40年,夫妻能夠手走過這1萬4600天、35萬0400分鐘,真不容易。雖然至終總有一人會先脫隊 ,留下的酸甜苦辣,總能織成一篇七彩的回憶圖,夫復何求
這是一封充滿淚水, 耐着心碎一字一字寫, 但永遠寄不出的情書.....由丹楓親筆完成, 過程中除了她哭泣. 就只聼到幾乎停的呼吸......
Yours truly
走過水果攤, 看見一筐筐熟透的水蓊, 紅艷欲滴! 心底一酸, 眼淚在眶中打轉, 被自己這種突如其來的反應嚇了一跳, 不是好端端的嗎? 怎會一刹間傷心落淚? 深埋在心中的思念, 像缺了崼的洪水, 排山倒海而來.
那一個早晨, 帶着你告別了我們曾經苦樂與共的家園, 留下了滿屋子的回憶, 揮別了那無語東流的麻河水, 邁向我人生的另一段旅程.
車子在我們一共同走過千百回的隆麻大道奔馳, 兩個小時後抵達了孝恩園, 把你留在那裡, 心中萬般不捨, 就讓那成蔭的綠樹, 呢喃的鳥語, 遠處含笑的青山與你為伴吧 !
回到住處, 打開冰箱看見那一大串熟透, 紅透的水蓊, 胖嘟嘟的躺在裡頭, 那是十天前從麻坡特地帶來女兒家的, 又大又紅的果實, 翠綠的葉子, 生意盎然, 好像剛從樹上採下來的. 記得病中的你一手拿着剪刀, 一手提着紅艷誘人的水蓊, 笑着對我說: 漂亮吧 這是我第一次從這樹上收成的果實. 這就是你, 即使在病中也那麼有閒情逸緻, 熱愛生活, 典型的完美主義者.
你特意把綠葉留下, 讓綠意盈盈的葉子和褐色的枝椏襯托岀果實的紅艷. 把水蓊分了吃, 都說: 好甜 ! 我也嘗了, 的確甜 . 可是我心中只有一個字:苦 !
多年來你栽種了不計其數的蔬果, 除了我們一家五口, 鄰居, 親朋戚友都分得一杯羹, 你走後我們還能嘗到你親手栽種的果子, 甜也好, 苦也罷, 你把遺愛常留人間 !
曾几何時, 慌亂中把你送進了吉隆坡中央醫院急診室, 兩天後 (2009年二月八日), 早上九點正, 看着你咽下最後一口氣, 眼角帶着最後一滴淚, 萬般不捨的離去! 抱着冰冷的你, 給你送上我最後吻別, 無奈啊! 從此人天兩隔, 永不相見! 你對我無微不至的細心呵護, 萬千的寵愛與寬容, 對家庭無私的奉獻與犧牲, 我這枝拙筆, 又何足以描繪其萬分之一, 唏噓啊 !
我們四十年的情份, 就此畫上了休止符, 走筆至此, 再也寫不下去了, 再深的情緣, 到頭來終需一別, 轉眼成空. "吾真真不能忘汝也". 安息吧 ! 你的妻子懷念你 !
Dear Dan Fong,
You are a very blessed woman to be so loved and treasured by you late husband. Time is a good antidote for pain and loss. May the sweet memory and the thought that your late husband is now in a far better place where there is no pain nor sorrow comforts and motivates you to move on like what Chee Yoke has put it so succinctly. .. Jock Hua
Like a love story movie ,Dan Fong's casual writting style vividly painted her early happy family life in a little town in Johore.I can imagine her late husband must be kind, loving and a good father. Without doubt Dan Fong will always treasure this episode of Endless love that has enriched her life in many ways. I am deeply touched…Haee Lee
You are a very blessed woman to be so loved and treasured by you late husband. Time is a good antidote for pain and loss. May the sweet memory and the thought that your late husband is now in a far better place where there is no pain nor sorrow comforts and motivates you to move on like what Chee Yoke has put it so succinctly. .. Jock Hua
Like a love story movie ,Dan Fong's casual writting style vividly painted her early happy family life in a little town in Johore.I can imagine her late husband must be kind, loving and a good father. Without doubt Dan Fong will always treasure this episode of Endless love that has enriched her life in many ways. I am deeply touched…Haee Lee
不能忘记已往,总是緬懷过去,这是人之常情,但是逝者如斯,在人生河流裡,不管甜酸苦辣,欢欣得失,就在流失的日子裡,不知不觉都溜走了。人生苦短,我们也无需迷失在过去的日子,要向前望,尽量充实生活,让人生更多彩,祝愿丹枫生活更加幸福美好,这是您先生和你们的孩子的期望,也是大家的期待。愿大家共勉之,谢谢。Chee Yoke
Hi all
Dan Fong asks me to convey to you the followings:
When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you. When you weep, you weep alone.
Over the years I have been crying alone. Thank you very much for taking the trouble to read my love letter of no return and share my sorrows and pain of my recent loss. Some of you responded with words that really touched my heart, and I cried a river. But I know that I am not totally on my own, and I’ll probably will never Walk alone again.
Though we are at different corners of the world, our true friendship, genuine love and sincere, care and concern for one another will bring us even closer together. Do keep in touch, my dear friends, classmates and 'countrymen".
Signed: Siow DF
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