Monday, 3 October 2011

Beautiful life

Dear all

I have sent this to some of you before, but you may not have put a finger to it.  I tried to make a summary of XX's temperament, his nature, his way of doing things, addressing problems.  Like the rest of us, he was not perfect, but he was quite a character.  We loved him for the way he, decisive.  He did live his life full, and I honestly don't think he had many regrets.  Let us accept his demise as a reality  and come to terms with it.  Let us try and stick together as he wanted us to, and not let his efforts go to waste.  May he rest in peace


XX的性格作風,待人接物, 處事的方式,大家都記得. 他就像我們一樣, 不屬十全十美那類. 但肯定夠酷, 果斷. 他有豐盛的一生, 的確是不虛此行. 我們要接受他真的走了, 我們得維持這團契,同窗之誼 繼續他的心願

P/s The late XXX's family wants to thank each and every one of you, regardless of your absence or presence at the funeral, for all the kind thoughts, prayers, gifts, jokes, and all that fetching and carrying, whatever it took to put a smile on his face.





我的冷漠令人心碎 ? 
        真誠可曾感染  ?
執著讓人敬畏  ?
平凡引人注目  ?

我看見  我嘗試
  我努力  我擁有
過了這站  又是另一段旅途
When things come to a halt
Memories turn to naught
I won't hasten to look back, and wonder:
Did I live my life full ?
Was it as splendid as it is colourful ?

Was my indifference disheartening?
My honesty and integrity permeating?
Persistence raised an eyebrow or two ?
Low profile attracted attention too?

It is by no means a termination, just culmination
I won't pause it with punctuation
All because I came, endeavored
Strived, gained and obtained

I'll put it at the back of my mind surely
As I ease out gradually
After this station, there will be a new journey

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