Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Wonderful Maker, Beautiful Creator

As I was growing up in the Highlands, I often was amazed by the existence of certain flora and fauna there.  Even the hills seemed dignified and majestic.  The geography and science lessons later only added my admiration for nature, long before I came to know the Creator.

We cannot hope to catch a glimpse of wind, but we certainly can feel it, in our hair, on our faces.  There is the gentle breeze that ripples the surface of a pond, the northerly wind that gives us the chill, the gale strong enough to break the sail of a ship, and the hurricane that travels with such velocity and ferocity that homes and lives are destroyed along it's path.  It can be so mighty and awesome !

Some plants yield timber, edible fruits, and some are grown for mere ornamental purposes. Roses are the most esteemed of all cultivated plants. Sometimes even the foliage is fragrant.  They come in red, pink, white and even green species have been sighted, no less exotic than flowers such as rafflesia, tulips, violets and the like that come in bright yellow, blue and even black.  The same colours make up rainbow, which comes with a larger outer layer at times, donning the same outfit inside out.  Need we ask "Who paints the sky?". Whereas these are trees that are evergreen, deciduous trees turn their leaves to red and yellow, and shed them off when the weather gets severe.  As mist permeates the forest at dawn, it adds a touch of mystic to the air.  What a magical sight to behold !

Blue sky signifies clear weather, which is normally accompanied by white and silky clouds. Dark grey stratus will bring rain and snow.  Snow flakes literally come down in millions. The crystals are 6 sided, or 12.  Apparently no two samples taken are identical.  They differ from one another in size, lacy structure  and surface markings.  Rain that patters on the leaves, drizzles that whet the appetite of the good earth, heavy downpour that cleanses and ionizes the air, are all but creation of the Almighty, for different reasons, in different seasons; God makes all that is unique and precise.

They say, little drops of water, little drops of sand, make the mighty oceans and land.  Did someone excavate earth to make space for lakes and oceans, and pile them up for hills and mountain ranges ? Who is so imaginative and powerful ?  Rivers meander across the plain, as though they are capable of negotiating corners.  And all those creatures living above and below sea level, would they be just part of the evolution ?

We know better that it's all His work.  He was there before all those came into being.  He is with us now, and He will still be around when most of the subjects He created, have gone from dust to dust, earth to earth, ashes to ashes.  He is the Alpha, and Omega, the first, the last, the living one.  Let us sing praises to Him:

Wind that rustles thro' bushes
Breeze that ruffles still waters
Raindrop falling on the ground
Snow flakes floating all around
Morning dew that mystifies
And sunsets that mesmerize
O my Wonderful Maker
Such Beautiful Creator
Who makes everything precise?

Colours that make up rainbow
Brooks that flow across meadows
Lakes and valleys and green hills
Roses, white, daffodils
Rocks and boulders, golden sand
Deep seas, oceans, Promised land
O my Wonderful Maker
Such Beautiful Creator
Who makes everything in sight

You are Alpha & Omega
The First, the Last, the Living One
You created us, gave us life
You are the Almighty , Our God
Thank You for all Your love and grace
We worship You and give You praise...............


可否记得少年时徒步上学, 一角五分都要节约的日子? 但我们都不觉得辛苦,不埋怨, 反而常常喜乐, 绽开笑容 ,过了许多穷开心的时光. 就算是没钱交学费的窘境, 一刹那也忘了.

踏进社会 ,不断长期打拚, 跋涉, 尤其是XX又何止走万里路, 相信XX也有撑半边天的日子. 抱恙或许是让自己放慢的讯号 , 千里马也得歇一歇.  目前 我们这群身在远方的朋友 无能予於具体的援助, 但我们都给你们精神上的支持 希望你们在自己至亲的陪同下 能保持一种豁达,从容和闲适的心态 而毅然面对 以后更会把握闲慢的精髓 珍惜一切所有的.  且看窗外的鸟语花香 包括那燕语呢喃 何尝不是我们声声的叮咛 深深的祝福 句句保重

我们的挚友 数个月后我们还有个约会 你们得早日回复健康 说好了我们风雨不改 不见不散 切记切记

附言...我或许不能表达得更含蓄委婉 就附上 YY 所改编的蒙古草原歌 (我自己也再斗胆删改部分, 壁竟她是用来唱 而我只写给你们读, 不必押韵).

她道 :

"高原在那里? 高原在那里 ?
在我们心深处, 在我们情怀中
高原鸟语香, 高原茶正浓
情缘藏心底 ,相会叹无期 
今朝重相遇 仿佛在梦里
笑语盈盈多厢喜, 多厢喜 
今日在一起 ,明天又别离
后会有期, 祝福你-祝福你 "


业清 清发 明强 家明 亚瑞
尚华 锦荣 和宜 国强 英丽
玉花 玉惠 丹枫 爱兰 集莲 玉香
凤英 美容 逸致 兆荣 志育
高升 福强  书励 得今 贤任 佳安